Matching Control Characters
Reinhold Birkenfeld
reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at
Mon Nov 1 11:36:31 EST 2004
Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> Hello-
> I have a text file generated on a HP-9000 running HP-Unix with embedded
> control characters and would like to read it in, modify it, and write it out
> in PDF format. The new page character is control-L which I can match with
> regular expressions as
> /^M (build using control-Q control-M)
> but when I attempt to use this to match the string in the program using
> if re.match('^M', input_line): # using control-Q control-M
> # issue a page feed
> it will not match (no new pages are generated).
> I am opening and reading the input file in binary mode. Anyone see what I'm
> doing wrong?
Use the escape for Control-M: \x0D
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