SAX parse string to Handler??

Juliano Freitas jubafre at
Mon Nov 8 05:29:52 EST 2004


here is my pythn code that's handle a xml file:

from xml.sax import saxutils, saxlib, saxexts, parseString

class swdbHandler(saxlib.DocumentHandler):
        def __init__(self):
                self.flag = 0

        def startElement(self, name, atts):
                if name == "swml":
                        print "enter"

        def endElement(self, name):
                if name == "swml":
                        print "exit"

parser = saxexts.make_parser()

# here

i want to parse a "xml string", not a file how can i'm passing in my
swdbHandler. How cai i parse a xml string?? 
somebody can help me with this??

Juliano Freitas

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