strong/weak typing and pointers

Gabriel Zachmann zach at
Tue Nov 2 16:02:55 EST 2004

>  (1) Weakly-typed languages allow you to take a block of memory that was
>  originally defined as one type and reinterpret the bits of this block as another
>  type[1]. (This is the definition usually used in Programming Languages
>  literature.)
>  (2) Weakly-typed languages have more implicit coercions than strongly-typed
>  languages.  (This seems to be the favored definition on this newsgroup.)

Is either of them a subset of the other, generally speaking?

>  The answer to your question depends on which one of these definitions you're
>  interested in.  Definition (1) will have a much flatter hierarchy than
>  definition (2).  Which definition are you interested in?

both, if you don't mind ;-)


| There are works which wait,                                             |
| and which one does not understand for a long time; [...]                |
| for the question often arrives a terribly long time after the answer.   |
|                                                         (Oscar Wilde)   |
| zach at            __@/'     |

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