Newsgroup mood [was] why python is slower than java?
Tim Jarman
tmj at
Sat Nov 6 14:38:11 EST 2004
In article <mailman.6011.1099764243.5135.python-list at>,
Brian van den Broek <bvande at> wrote:
> What I have in mind is a wiki-page or three with links prominently
> located in the welcome message and the reminder message. I could see at
> least three distinct pages being of use. In rapid-sketch mode:
> 1) Welcome to the list, here are our norms
> At minimum, a short 1-2 paragraph distillation of "Smart Questions", a
> link to it, a reminder of the existence of the tutor list, and links to
> the other two here mentioned.
> 2) How to find information about Python
> Links to one or more of the comp.lang.python archives with perhaps some
> advice for optimal searching. This could include a link to a quick "How
> to google".
> Perhaps a link to Mark Hammond's wicked-cool Python Sidebar for
> Firefox/Mozilla <> and
> to any other similar aids.
> 3) Links to threads that answer common questions
> Yes, there is an FAQ and yet people still ask why Python gets division
> wrong. But I've often seen people dig up links to threads for questions
> perhaps not so common to be written up in an FAQ, but perhaps common
> enough to merit linking on a wiki page. I'm not under the illusion that
> it would solve the problem on its own, but it might well head some
> repeat questions off. For those it doesn't, it would give an easy way to
> answer.
> Yes, some (or even all) of this info is already on But this
> way would allow it to be audience-tailored and to be ultra-easy to
> direct newbie's toward. And yes, not all newbies read Eric Raymond's
> "Smart Questions" essay within the first 5 times they are pointed at it.
> Clearly it won't be a silver bullet, but maybe it would help.
> As a relative newbie myself, I think I might make a better person to
> start off (1) and (2) than some of the old-hands who are further away
> from the newbie mindset. And, on the "talk not followed by effort is
> chatter" principle, I surely ought volunteer, too ;-) I'm happy to do
> so, provided 1) it doesn't strike people as a silly or hopelessly naive
> idea, 2) I'm not committed to providing a proof of concept within the
> next week :-) , and 3) I can count on other's to do the wiki thing to my
> starting effort.
> So, if anyone's still reading, thanks. I'm curious to see if the
> suggestion seems worthwhile. Best to all,
> Brian vdB
Sounds good to me - go for it!
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