Tracking Users By IP Address

Nick Craig-Wood nick at
Thu Oct 7 12:29:57 EDT 2004

Paul McNett <p at> wrote:
> > Some (many? all? negligibly few? I don't know) proxy
> > firewalls will tell you which internal address the request
> > came from, so you can combine the two to get a unique address
> > for that user.
>  I'd say "negligibly few", since there really isn't good reason 
>  to give the world your internal ip address. Anyway, you can't 
>  count on it, and you wouldn't have a basis to know what 
>  percentage weren't unique.

An awful lot of proxies do do exactly that (I used this technique

HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and REMOTE_ADDR are the headers you want

Its not safe to use this as a unique address for a user but if you are
interested in exactly where your users are (for fraud checking
purposes) its a useful technique.

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> --

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