int/long unification hides bugs

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Fri Oct 29 07:22:57 EDT 2004

Op 2004-10-28, Andrew Dalke schreef <adalke at>:
> Jeremy Fincher wrote:
>> The problem with int/long unification is that there is no simple
>> pure-Python alternative for those of us who need a bounded integer
>> type.  If our code depended on that raised OverflowError in order to
>> ensure that our computations were bounded, we're left high and dry
>> with ints and longs unified.  We must either drop down to C and write
>> a bounded integer type, or we're stuck with code that no longer works.
> What's wrong with the example Number wrapper I posted a couple days
> ago to this thread?  Here are the essential parts

What I think is wrong with it, is that it distributes its constraineds
too far. The fact that you want constraints on a number doesn't imply
that all operations done on this number are bound by the same

The way I see myself using constrains, would mean I need them on
a name, not on an object.

Antoon Pardon

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