Why can't I xor strings?

Grant Edwards grante at visi.com
Sun Oct 10 11:30:32 EDT 2004

On 2004-10-10, Andrew Dalke <adalke at mindspring.com> wrote:

> Why the distinction?  In your code you call bool on
> an object at least once and perhaps twice.  The
> truth of an object should only be checked once.  You
> also have asymmetric return values.  Consider
>    s1   s2    s1 xor s2
>    "A"  "B"    False
>    "A"  ""     True
>    ""   "B"    "B"
>    ""   ""     False

Hey, _that_ particular bug isn't my fault.  Somebody else
decided that "and" and "or" don't return boolean values like
they should. ;)

> Esthetics suggest that either "A"/"" return "A" or that
> ""/"B" return True.  Mine does the latter.  Yours does
> neither.  Probably the Pythonic way, assuming 'xor'
> can be considered Pythonic, is to return the object
> which gave the True value, like this
> def xor_f(x, y):
>    bx = bool(x)
>    by = bool(y)
>    if bx:
>      if not by:
>        return bx
>      return False
>    else:
>      if by:
>        return by
>    return False

That's ugly.  But then again, "A" or "B" returning "A" is ugly.

While I agree with your points, they're immaterial to the
argument I was making.  The poster to which I responded was
arguing that "xor" didn't make sense because having it coerce
it's arguments to booleans was "wrong".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Zippy's brain cells
                                  at               are straining to bridge
                               visi.com            synapses...

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