Python Macros

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Wed Oct 6 04:24:44 EDT 2004

Carlos Ribeiro <carribeiro at> wrote:
>     def __getattr__(self, attrname):
>         # self.__dict__ contains the local dict of Dog
>         message = getattr(self.__dict__, attrname, None)

The only kind of *attributes* you'll find for self.__dict__ are methods
such as keys, items, copy, and so on.  Attributes and items are very
different things, of course.  I suspect this code is a serious bug,
i.e., the intention is *NOT* to have somedog.copy() return a copy of
somedog.__dict__ and so on.  self.__dict__ will never have attrname as a
key at this point, either, or else __getattr__ would never have been
entered in the first place (don't confuse __getattr__ with the rarely
needed, rarely used __getattribute__!!!).  In short, I believe this
whole part and the following if/else construct just need to be excised.

If you want to delegate attribute lookup (including method lookup) from
self to self.owner, ALL you need is:

  def __getattr__(self, n): return getattr(self.owner, n)

that's it -- nothing more.


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