ANN: Snakelets 1.35 (simple-to-use web app server with dynamic pages)

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Tue Oct 12 13:40:32 EDT 2004

Alan Kennedy wrote:

> Ah, one of the key questions! And the answer is that, iff you write 
> Snakelets according to the WSGI API, then it should be easily usable on 
> asynchronous architectures. This is achieved through the use of python 
> iterators (e.g. generators), so that application frameworks generate 
> content on demand, when the server/gateway is ready to transmit them.

Interesting idea. I haven't thought about generating output this way.

> It will all become clearer if you read the WSGI spec.

Will do :)

> So basically, porting Snakelets to WSGI would mean splitting Snakelets 
> into two parts, the server part and the framework part, with all 
> communications between the two governed by WSGI. Both parts would then 
> become interoperable with other WSGI components. Neat, eh?

Sounds neat, but I think this is a hard thing to do for me.
Anyway we'll see. First have to read the WSGI doc thoroughly.

> But the upside of Snakelets using generators is that I think you will 
> find that Snakelets architecture fits WSGI extremely well. Although WSGI 
> supports an old-style imperative API, i.e. where input and output is 
> explicitly read/written to IO channels, it is really designed so that 
> applications/frameworks supply content on demand, through an iterator 
> interface.

Hm, that's not what I meant by "using generators". I'm using them
for other things, but not the generation of output...

Thanks for answering my questions.

off-to-read-the-WSGI'ly yours,

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