ConfigParser shootout, preliminary entry

Skip Montanaro skip at
Sat Oct 23 15:06:24 EDT 2004

    David> Skip Montanaro wrote:
    >> * Both attribute-style and dictionary-style access supported

    David> Can someone please enlighten me as to why this is a good idea?

I find attribute-style access much cleaner, but in some situations you have
config bits with non-identifier names.

    David> The abuse of __getitem__ or __getattr__ (IMHO) should only occur
    David> inside transparent object proxies and suchlike -- I see no
    David> relation between (key, value) mapping and attributes.

There's no abuse here as far as I can tell.  I'm using both the way they
were intended.  That I have attributes under the covers is irrelevant.

    David> I also have trouble with the __getitem__ idea, although I can see
    David> at least that this might make sense if you consider your
    David> configuration some sort of dictionary or array. 

Which is how I think of them.

    >> I wrote it more as an exercise and to satisfy myself that to deal
    >> with more general config structures than Windows INI files supports
    >> you don't have to fall into the XML tarpit.  I suspect it's not more
    >> featureful than Michael Chermside's example implementation though
    >> it's somewhat shorter.

    David> IMHO you are blurring the lines between complex data storage and
    David> simple INI files. Microsoft's history here was to move to the
    David> Windows registry - a concept that could be easily represented in
    David> the modern age as an XML database.

Here's where I'm coming from.  In the past year I started working at a
company that uses XML files as its config file format.  INI files wouldn't
do, because the information they want to store has more hierarchy than they
will accomodate.  XML is a disaster because the APIs for it suck for this
sort of thing and because although the file storage is ASCII, you often
can't read the contents without a lot of study.  Good luck getting people to
successfully edit such things by hand.  You're thus left having to write a
custom GUI editor for each application that uses the damn stuff.  Glade or
no glade that's just a PITA as far as I'm concerned.  I have better things
to do with my time.

    David> Again, I'll raise the point that this work is being done under
    David> the false banner of 'ConfigParser' -- this is the only reason I
    David> have come out of idleness, it has nothing to do with
    David> ConfigParser.

I see no particular reason to limit configuration file format to the one
Microsoft blessed, what 15-20 years ago?  If all you want is ConfigParser
but don't like its API, write a little shim class to provide you with a
simpler API.  I don't know what that API is.  Me, I want something more than
INI files and something easier to work with than XML.

    David> It is a new concept entirely. Could we reserve the name
    David> 'ConfigParser' for configuration parsers that at least in
    David> function or form resemble the original, like any sane developers
    David> should.

I suppose.  I see no particular reason to limit ideas about what is read or
written or how it's manipulated at this point.  Nor do I understand why the
name matter so much at this point.  Nonetheless, I changed the name of my
class from "ConfigParser" to "Configuration".

    David> If you agree with me on the above, then again I think you should
    David> first hammer out exactly what you *need* your new configuration
    David> system to accomplish, and then perhaps agree on an unambiguous
    David> name for it.

I wrote my Configuration class (note the new name!) based upon my needs
(which are based on my recent experience):

    * I prefer attribute-style or dict-style access

    * I need more than one level of sections

    * YAML and XML are too complex

    * I want it to be readable and editable by humans

Note that I don't use Windows.  I could care less about the format of actual
Bill Gates-style INI files.  I imagine for people who do need that stuff the
current module and class should suffice, perhaps with some tweaks.  Its
format is too limiting for me though.

    David> In the meantime, AFAICS the only implementation that deserves the
    David> name 'ConfigParser' so far is my own -- and I only wrote it to
    David> prove this point.

That's fine.  I renamed mine.  You can have the name "ConfigParser".  I'd
offer to help you trademark the name but I think it's been in common use too
long for that. <wink>

    David> As per a recent popularly read weblog entry written by A.M.K.,
    David> the standard library is aged and disorganised. The thought of a
    David> replacement ConfigParser[2] module that embodies an entirely
    David> different configuration storage concept doesn't sound like it is
    David> going to help this situation much.

Why not?  Like I said, there is a ConfigParser module that does the job now.
Keep it and move on to something better.  We lived for years with only the
getopt module as a way to parse command lines.  Now people are starting to
use Greg Ward's optparse more and more.  The two modules will probably live
in harmony in the standard library for years to come.  You have backward
compatibility and more modern thinking about command line parsing.

    David> I think the way forward here is to define the goals of a new
    David> configuration framework that supports sillyness like magical
    David> attribute access and multiple backends (with a first backend
    David> being an XML DB or pickle or similar), then additional 'mix in'
    David> features such as schemas, then after we have a featurelist, open
    David> the shootout again.

You call it magic.  I call it Python.

    David> Perhaps a PEP or SIG could be opened on the topic, and
    David> development could commence in a sane fashion.

You seem to think we're all loonies here.


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