Strptime Issues

Andy Wilson andywil at
Wed Sep 15 14:13:20 EDT 2004

Something like this...

>             print list_dir[j]
>             print "%s" % (time.strptime (list_dir[j], '%Y%U%w'))
>             ttuple = time.strptime (list_dir[j], '%Y%U%w')
>             year   = ttuple[0]
>             month  = ttuple[1]
>             day    = ttuple[2]
>             print day, month, year
> I get the following output:
> 2004123
> (2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, -1)
> 1 1 2004
> 2004124
> (2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, -1)
> 1 1 2004 

From: Batista, Facundo [mailto:FBatista at] 
Sent: 15 September 2004 15:15
To: Wilson, Andy [IRE07:CM41:EXCH]
Subject: RE: Strptime Issues

Could you please submit to the list a piece of code that represents this
Thank you.

Facundo Batista 
Desarrollo de Red 
fbatista at 
(54 11) 5130-4643 
Cel: 15 5097 5024 


	-----Mensaje original-----
	De: Andy Wilson [mailto:andywil at]
	Enviado el: MiƩrcoles, 15 de Septiembre de 2004 11:12
	Para: python-list at
	Asunto: Strptime Issues
	I have found some issues with the module in release
2.3.4, I was wondering if these are being addressed or someone can give me
any assistance.
	1. I have code that uses a time string format of %Y%U%w, where %U is
week number and %w is day of the week. In release 2.3.x this appears broken.
Earlier code using python 1.5.2 works OK. See this link for more info
	2. In using Freeze to build a Solaris executable I get a "no module
strptime" error. The module has not been statically linked into the
executable (as far as I can tell); are there any issues around timemodule.c
and strptime? I have had to do some changes to Modules/Setup in the
distribution to get other modules "linked" but am at a loss for this one.
	Andy Wilson

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