annoying behavior

Elbert Lev elbertlev at
Tue Sep 28 12:56:13 EDT 2004

# here is the problem I ran into:

class foo:
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.r = True
    def f(self):
        if self.r:
            #<do something>
            #<do something else>

f = foo("1234")

#here is the output:

#Traceback (most recent call last):
#  File "G:\MyProjects\Python\Little\", line 16, in ?
#    f = foo("1234")
#  File "G:\MyProjects\Python\Little\", line 5, in __init__
#    self.f()
#  File "G:\MyProjects\Python\Little\", line 9, in f
#    if self.r:
#AttributeError: foo instance has no attribute 'r'

# I understand why does this happen, but, to tell the truth,
# this feature is very annoying. 
# Are there any plans to relax this restriction? 
# In 3.0 :)?

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