Xah Lee's Unixism
cbfalconer at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 16 11:51:05 EDT 2004
Chuck Dillon wrote:
... snip ...
> Going into Iraq was IMHO justified without consideration of 9/11
> or the war on terror. Setting up a more democratic and educated
> Afghanistan and Iraq blows a big whole in Islam's isolation
> efforts and forces them to deal with the reality of the 21st
> century. The process will be bumpy but we can no longer be
> patient when the mainstream of Islam allow violence on the scale
> of 9/11 or beyond to occur.
I disagree. Afghanistan, yes. Chasing Bin Laden, yes. They were
the direct cause of 9/11 (which was not a unique occurance, except
in degree). Iraq, no. That was the descendent of "avenge
disrespect to Daddy" syndrome, and has been shown to have no
connection with either 9/11 nor with WMDs.
The whole business has effectively ended the punishment phase of
9/11 and justified it in the minds of many Moslems. For a short
while there was an opportunity to do an exemplary job in
Afghanistan and show the Islamic world the possibilities. That
has been thrown away by our Glorious Inept Leaders.
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