Paul Boddie
paul at
Mon Sep 20 05:41:05 EDT 2004
Michel Claveau - abstraction méta-galactique non trivial e en fuite perpétuelle. <unseulmcmcmcmc at msupprimerlepoint.claveauPOINTcom> wrote in message news:<cih7uh$388$1 at>...
> Hi !
> HTML also is verbose...
Thanks for that informed commentary on the matter. I'm sure the
verbosity of HTML and XML with respect to your favourite binary wire
format (and presumably your favourite client software, too, given that
we're looking at a browser solution) really passed the original
contributor by.
Back to the suggested architecture: if you're purely worried about
network bandwidth, then provided the XML is much smaller than any
presented page, I suppose you could use client-side XSL in order to
reduce the bandwidth requirement. But if any reduced bandwidth
requirement is just one way of getting better performance, I'm not
completely convinced that you wouldn't be better served with something
like libxslt on the server producing the final output; in my
experience, its performance is pretty impressive on modest hardware in
comparison to other such processors (on much bigger hardware).
Moreover, by retaining XSL processing on the server, you would avoid
potentially controversial browser requirements - it's bad enough
working round browser issues with supposedly "simple" stuff like XHTML
and CSS without bringing XSL into the equation.
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