How to detect open windows applications
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Fri Sep 17 11:59:33 EDT 2004
Michel Claveau - abstraction méta-galactique non trivial e en fuite perpétuelle. <unseulmcmcmcmc at msupprimerlepoint.claveauPOINTcom> wrote in message news:<cicqq6$kra$1 at>...
> Hi !
> Search the process.
> @-salutations
I found it! (I think)
Is the following code reasonable?
import win32pdh
processes = win32pdh.EnumObjectItems(None, None, "Process", -1)
processList = list(processes[1])
app = 'WINWORD'
index = processList.index(app)
print "Application %s is running." % app
except ValueError:
print "Application %s is not running." % app
I don't care about index, which indicates where it is in the process list.
Thank you for your help!
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