> > > > matt parker alias erik_van_lindt_hout matt parker alias geronimo jones bondage phuking matt parker alias kimberlyparker matt parker from cottage grove oregon spams the net with childporn http://tinyurl.com/6kmea matt parker alias evon lin
Matthew K Jensen
matt.torment at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 01:20:40 EDT 2004
matthewparker at nurfuerspam.de (matt parker) wrote in message news:<acb07122.0409230138.30b004bc at posting.google.com>...
> comp.lang.python,cu.cs.clim,sci.energy.hydrogen,uw.stats.s,talk.philosophy.misc
> > > > > > matt parker alias erik_van_lindt_hout matt parker alias geronimo jones bondage phuking matt parker alias kimberlyparker matt parker from cottage grove oregon spams the net with childporn http://tinyurl.com/6kmea matt parker alias evon lint herzog matt parker violates the internet privacy act by distributing stolen personal data matt parker alias evon_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias
I think you're better off using a unicode string. In cases like this,
it's good to know different encoding standards.
> > > > > > lunsen hout mothafucka matt parker alias s_machines
moldova matt parker alias erik vonlindt matt parker alias erik parker
matt parker alias eric vonlindthout matt parker alias ericvonlindt
hout matt parker alias ericvan lindt matt parker alias
erikvonlint_herzog matt parker alias erik_vonlinthout matt parker
alias tatjanadochenkova oral matt parker alias erikvon_lint_hout
You're confusing os.popen2 with popen.popen2. There's a sublte
difference, plus I don't think you imported the correct library. Try
writing to the input in smaller lengths of data. Also, things can get
trickier when you use pipes like you are using there.
> > > > > > alias sergey smith matt parker alias eric von lindtherzog
matt parker alias erikvan lint hout cummer matt parker alias eric van
lindt matt parker alias e_vanlindt_herzog rebuild the cuntface of the
spamming scammer matt parker http://tinyurl.com/452ch matt parker
alias tatiana_dochenkova kum matt parker alias eric_vanlint_herzog
matt parker alias erik_vanlint_hout matt parker alias eric
Always, ALWAYS watch your syntax.
> > > > > > parker forges evidence to make others seem guilty of his criminal activities matt parker alias evon linthout schemes matt parker alias e von lunsen hout matt parker alias d_shredder matt parker alias eric vonlunsen hout matt parker alias erik_vanlunsenhout amateur women matt parker alias super machine matt parker alias frank quisinsky matt parker alias m parker matt parker alias
That wasn't implemented until python 2.3
> > > > > > g aap matt parker alias evanlindt_herzog never submit true personal data to eurobrides.com matt parker alias evonlunsenhout matt parker alias ericvan_lindt matt parker alias p ure matt parker commits credit card fraud and identity theft against his clients shitfull bitchin matt parker alias eric_von_lint_hout m
In this case, it doesn't matter which one you use, as long as you
handle each list appropriately. qmh.has_key('alias') should give you a
little heads up.
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