gmpy 1.0 for python 2.4 alpha 2 Windows-packaged

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Sat Sep 4 08:13:21 EDT 2004

David Bolen <db3l at> wrote:
> The one failure that I don't think you could easily anticipate is a
> change in the actual exception message - for example the "r('shuf',
> 'astring')" test wants a TypeError saying "object doesn't support item
> assignment", but 2.4 changes that to "object does not support item
> assignment".

Yeah, doctest IS prone to this sort of issue, sigh -- wording of error
messages keeps changing, in ways either subtle or major.  I gather that
2.4 doctest has a "skip" indicator (an ellipsis I believe) to help with
that, but I don't want to break compatibilty with 2.3...


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