Python lists ans sequence protocol from C API
surfmatj at
Wed Sep 22 21:49:29 EDT 2004
Alex, thanks. In the meantime I also found out what I
was doing wrong. One question, though. Would you
prefer using Py_BuildValue("") over Py_None and
increfing it?
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Matjaz <surfmatj at> wrote:
> ...
>>PySequence_SetItem with the following error message:
>>"Unhandled exception at 0x1e04ed1a in python.exe:
>>0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000."
>>Could it be that basic lists do not support sequence protocol?
> Once they're valid Python list objects, they do...
>>Or am I missing something? I'm using Python 2.3.4 on Windows XP.
> You're missing the fact that you're never building a valid Python list
> object in your code. The slots, as PyObject*, are 'random', probably
> null pointers. That's why you're supposed to use PyList_SET_ITEM
> specifically to initialize these 'slots' WITHOUT trying to decref the
> previously held item... there IS no 'previously held item'...!
>>PyObject *argseq, *ov;
>>int i, v, len;
>>len = 2;
>>argseq = PyList_New(len);
> This does NOT initialize the slots of list argseq, as above explained.
>>for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
>> ov = PyInt_FromLong(i);
>> printf("Index %d. Success %d.\n", i, PySequence_SetItem(argseq, i, ov));
> But this does try to decref that null pointer (or whatever), so, BOOM.
>>Why would I wish to use sequence with basic lists protocol? Because my
>>code should also deal with other sequence types, possibly subclassed from
>>python lists.
> Nevertheless they'll need to be properly built, inizialized, first.
> Add initialization, such as an immediate:
> for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
> PyList_SET_ITEM(argseq, i, Py_BuildValue(""));
> }
> just after your
> argseq = PyList_New(len);
> and you should be fine with PySequence_whateveryouwish now.
> Alex
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