multiple instance on Unix
Ville Vainio
ville at
Thu Sep 30 05:07:32 EDT 2004
>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Dalke <adalke at> writes:
Andrew> Ville Vainio wrote:
>> I'd go for pid file - in Unix at least, process id's are not reused so
>> if no process for the pid in pidfile exists, the process has died.
Andrew> They aren't? I remember seeing them cycle before.
Andrew> Granted, pids are now, what 32 bit numbers so it's rare,
Andrew> but there's nothing in the Unix specs to say they cannot.
Ok, I stand corrected. My Linux experiments indicated that they didn't
cycle in a "disruptive" fashion like NT seemed to do (where pid
collision is extremely likely).
Luckily, I implemented the pid check by checking the process name as
well :-).
Ville Vainio
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