string % dictionary question

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Mon Sep 13 23:30:01 EDT 2004

"Sam Sungshik Kong" <ssk at> writes:

> Hello, group!
> <code>
>>>> di={}
>>>> di["test"]=None
>>>> s="%(test)s" % di
>>>> s
> 'None'
> </code>
> I want the result to be just empty string when the dictionary value is None.
> Is there a good way?

You can check it after the definition and make the necessary changes... 

>>> di={}
>>> di["test"]=None
>>> s="%(test)s" % di
>>> if s == "None": s = ""
>>> s
>>> di["test"] = 1
>>> s = "%(test)s" % di
>>> if s == "None": s = ""
>>> s

Be seeing you,
Godoy.     <godoy at>

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