Xah Lee's Unixism
Morten Reistad
firstname at lastname.pr1v.n0
Mon Sep 6 03:28:06 EDT 2004
In article <41386155$0$19713$61fed72c at news.rcn.com>,
<jmfbahciv at aol.com> wrote:
>In article <kg08hc.bgc1.ln at via.reistad.priv.no>,
> Morten Reistad <firstname at lastname.pr1v.n0> wrote:
>>In article <41376B82.C6A202FC at yahoo.com>,
>>CBFalconer <cbfalconer at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>>>Peter Hansen wrote:
>>>> Brian {Hamilton Kelly} wrote:
>>>>> wyrmwif at tango-sierra-oscar-foxtrot-tango.fake.org "SM Ryan" wrote:
>>ISTR there was some tunnel NASA had to relate to if they wanted
>>to move the goods from production to launch. But that may have been
>>earlier products.
>>But rail tunnels are also descended from the same asses, so to speak.
>There was a city getting restored in Turkey that JMF and I visited;
>I cannot remember its name other than it's in the New Testament
>written by Paul. It was one of most fascinating places I'd ever
>been other than aquariums and zoos. There are ruts in the
>stone-block pavements caused by running carts to/from harbor/city.
>We were told that these ruts were worn down by usage. I always
>wanted to get a big stone and spend 5 min/day rubbing it to see
>if the claim was true.
Just visit my old gymnasium (aka "High School", but that loses part
of the concept). 320 pupils entering and leaving 14-18 times a day
wears down asphalt in 2 years, sandstone in 10 and granite in 100.
-- mrr
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