Xah Lee's Unixism
jmfbahciv at aol.com
jmfbahciv at aol.com
Thu Sep 9 09:07:05 EDT 2004
In article <413F43AC.9D2088AF at yahoo.com>,
CBFalconer <cbfalconer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>jmfbahciv at aol.com wrote:
>> Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> wrote:
>>> CBFalconer <cbfalconer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Alan Balmer wrote:
>>>>... snip ...
>>>>> I'm not a fan of Mr Hatch, but blaming him for the shuttle
>>>>> disaster(s) is somewhat over the top. Why not blame President
>>>>> Bush? That's the popular thing nowadays.
>>>> Alright, if you insist. But is it really necessary? We can find
>>>> adequate charges without reaching very hard.
>>> Then why are so many people reaching so hard?
>> It's apparently having the desired effect. The subject of
>> the radio talk show last night was about the results of a poll
>> where 41% of the people asked (New York state residents) believed
>> that Bush and Co. knew that the WTC was going to be attacked and
>> did nothing to prevent it. The Bush-bashing is working. The
>> Democrats are opening the city gates to the barbarians.
>I deplore your tast in radio talk shows.
Oh! Taste in talk shows.
> .. It doesn't take much to
>create a rabble rousing poll to increase ratings.
I listen to them for data about how the rabble is thinking
and the logic they use to form their opinions. I also
watch those religious cable TV shows to gather the same kinds
of information; note that I can only manage to listen to these
about 10 minutes and not more than once/year. I also listen
to Rushie to see what kinds of lies that half of the world is
listening to. I watch CSPAN who never cut out for commericals,
don't edit too much, and tend to leave the mike on after the
meetings break up.
>There is no need, nor cause, to impute Bush & Co. with
>intrinsically evil intentions. It is quite enough to point to
>their lack of capability, and bull headed 'revenge for daddy'
>propensities. The state of the economy, unemployment, poverty
>rate, medical care, deficit, death rate in Iraq (both of Americans
>and Iraqis), abandonment of the Bin Laden hunt, abridgement of
>civil liberties (as in the Patriot Act and the Gitmo gulag), poor
>choice of companions (Halliburton and other political donors and
>trough feeders, and the 'plausible deniability' of the Swiftboat
>gang), irritation of allies, inability to deal with North Korea
>(due to involvement with useless adventures), abandonment of
>efforts towards a Palestinian peace, all spring to immediate mind.
Well, your Bush-hater campaign is working beyond all your
expectations. One day, you will have to live it.
>Yes, we have had no experience with a Kerry administration,
OH, fuckmeverymuch. I am in Mass. We do have some
experience of a Kerry administration. For those you who don't,
watch how he runs his campaign. He will run the country in the
same manner.
> .. but we
>have had far too much experience with a Bush administration.
Do you think that hiring a person who doesn't like to do
work will make things better? Things can be worse..a lot
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