PyODB a Python unixODBC API binding
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at
Tue Sep 14 14:39:22 EDT 2004
Neil Moses wrote:
> I would like to announce the first release of PyODB a Python unixODBC
> API binding.
> PyODB is a Python module and provides a simplified set of bindings to
> unixODBC
> ( allowing fast and easy development of open
> database
> applications.
> The module supports multiple database connections using a connection
> class and
> two methods execute() and fetch() to handle SQL queries. Disconnection
> from the
> database is automatic using the class destructor.
> My main aim in producing this software was to hide the complexities of
> the ODBC
> C API from the programmer and so simplify application development. I
> imagine this
> might appeal to people providing dynamic content on a web server or
> anyone who
> wished to experiment with ODBC in developing small applications.
Just wondering: didn't you know of the mxODBC Python extension ?
It's been around for almost 7 years now and provides a DB-API 2.0
interface to ODBC databases and managers (including Windows ODBC
manager, iODBC and unixODBC).
> The software has been developed on a Linux environment using Python 2.3
> and SWIG ( The module has been tested on Linux and
> Solaris platforms using databases PostgreSQL and Informix, but should work
> on any platform supporting unixODBC and an ODBC database driver.
> To download the release visit
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Sep 14 2004)
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::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
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