Search Filter Syntax in Active Directory
Tim Golden
tim.golden at
Thu Sep 30 04:27:53 EDT 2004
[Dirk Hagemann]
| I want to get the properties of all the computer-accounts of an
| ActiveDirectory structure (Microsoft). I know that could be done by
| using "Search Filter Syntax" with LDAP-Dialect or SQL-Dialect.
| I found a lot of information about these dialects, but no
| example how to use this in an python-script.
| Does anybody have a simple example for me, how to get some
| information out of AD?
I twitch nervously every time I have to pull something
out of AD, but hopefully a couple of working examples
might get you going. In general, anything you see elsewhere
in VBS etc. can be done with a couple of GetObject-type
calls in win32com.client.
First example: find the display name of a user, given a user name.
This one uses the LDAP:// moniker syntax.
import win32com.client
username = "goldent"
ldap_string = "LDAP://cn=%s,cn=users,dc=gb,dc=vo,dc=local" % username
ldap_me = win32com.client.GetObject (ldap_string)
print username, "=>", ldap_me.Get ("displayName")
Second example: find all the domains known by this workstation/server.
This example uses the WinNT:// object, which I personally find
a lot easier / more intuitive to use, so long as it meets your
need (it doesn't do everything, and I'm not sure you can update
through it).
import win32com.client
for domain in win32com.client.GetObject ("WinNT:"):
print domain.Name
Third example: list all the computers in a particular domain.
Again WinNT:// syntax.
import win32com.client
domain_name = "VOUK"
domain = win32com.client.GetObject ("WinNT://" + domain_name)
domain.Filter = ["Computer"]
for computer in domain:
print computer.Name
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