Xah Lee's Unixism
jmfbahciv at aol.com
jmfbahciv at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 08:22:39 EDT 2004
In article <flrphc.tlk1.ln at via.reistad.priv.no>,
Morten Reistad <firstname at lastname.pr1v.n0> wrote:
>In article <4140688e$0$6912$61fed72c at news.rcn.com>, <jmfbahciv at aol.com>
>>In article <413F43AC.9D2088AF at yahoo.com>,
>> CBFalconer <cbfalconer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>jmfbahciv at aol.com wrote:
>>>> Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> wrote:
>>>>> CBFalconer <cbfalconer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Alan Balmer wrote:
>>>>>>... snip ...
>[snipp Rush Limbaugh's's talks show mentioned]
>>>I deplore your tast in radio talk shows.
>>Oh! Taste in talk shows.
>Ah, then I have deplorable tastes in your opinion. I find Rush
>greatly entertaining; but wouldn't use him as a data point.
Oh, not just him but the ...I can't think of a good word to
use...I use it as a pulse measurement to find out what that
particular ilk of people are thinking.
>I wish the left could dig up someone as entertaining as Rush.
>>> .. It doesn't take much to
>>>create a rabble rousing poll to increase ratings.
>>I listen to them for data about how the rabble is thinking
>>and the logic they use to form their opinions. I also
>>watch those religious cable TV shows to gather the same kinds
>>of information; note that I can only manage to listen to these
>>about 10 minutes and not more than once/year. I also listen
>>to Rushie to see what kinds of lies that half of the world is
>>listening to. I watch CSPAN who never cut out for commericals,
>>don't edit too much, and tend to leave the mike on after the
>>meetings break up. '
>With most of these you miss the point if you listen for content
>at all.
I generally use the content as a clue to figure out what the
group is trying to not talk about a.k.a. smoke and mirrors.
There are other things one can deduce based on what is getting
talked about and how it's getting described.
> ..The media IS the message. And you are the product, to
>be entertained enough so you can be sold to advertisers.
Sure. The exception is those who don't have normal behaviour
Subtract a hundred and four for e-mail.
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