print with no newline
Tim Golden
tim.golden at
Fri Sep 3 11:43:42 EDT 2004
| Tim Golden wrote:
| > [Jp Calderone]
| > | Basically, print is only meant to help people new to the
| > | language get started ;)
| > | It often does what will make life easiest for someone who is
| > | just getting into things, but which is otherwise
| confusing, expected,
| > | special-casey, or otherwise undesirable. I mean, the whole
| > | existence of the keyword "print" is an inconsistency, right?
| > | One could quite reasonably expect print to be a function.
| >
| > This point of view comes up from time to time on the list
| > and for the life of me I can't buy into it. Putting aside
| > the obviously tongue-in-cheek implication that only beginners
| > would use print, I have almost never found print to be
| > "confusing... or otherwise undesirable". It does exactly
| > what I expect it to do with the minimum of syntactic clutter.
| Have you ever run into or relied on the behavior that started this
| thread? I can't imagine how you might deduce that behavior from the
| rest of print's behavior.
All right, I'll admit... I jumped into this mid-thread, something
that always pains me when other people do it.
| Let me also clarify - I use print all the time. It's quite
| convenient and rarely does something other than what I intend. That
| said, almost all my uses of it are for debugging or in the
| interactive
| interpreter when investigating some object or behavior. I can't
| remember the last time I left it in a real program.
Maybe there's the difference. I use it all the time (well,
reasonably often) in real programs and will no ill-effects
so far, so maybe I'm more (read: too) sensitive when it's
| > [snip]
| >
| > I would *not* reasonably expect print to be a function. Why
| > should it be? Certainly any move to remove the print statement
| > from the language or to replace it by a print function would
| > get my thumbs-down (or whichever way round the Romans did it).
| >
| Lots of other people expect it to be a function. I can't
| count the
| number of times I've read this in someone's code:
| print(x)
Might be a question of background: I wouldn't dream of writing
print (x). (Background: BASIC, Modula-2, C, C++, SQL, Python and
sundry others I don't mention). I was really taking issue with
the "reasonably expect" bit, which seemed a bit too universal.
No intention to bite anyone's head off.
| That said, I don't propose changing it.
Good. That's a relief.
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