Combining mode and encoding in emacs
Roy Smith
roy at
Fri Sep 3 12:41:31 EDT 2004
In article <slrncjh719.bs2.mlh at>,
mlh at (Magnus Lie Hetland) wrote:
> If I want to specify both mode and source encoding using the
> -*- FOO -*-
> syntax in emacs -- how can I do that? Both insist on being on the
> second line of the file, yet I have found no way of combining them.
> That is, the following doesn't work properly (not in all emaxen, at
> least):
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-
> # -*- python -*-
> If I switch the two, Python doesn't get the encoding. (I need to
> specify the mode, because the file has a '.cgi' ending.)
> Any tips?
You can set the mode (and a lot of other things) with a local variable
list on the last page (i.e. after the last form-feed). Put something
like this at the end of your file:
# ^L
# Local Variables:
# mode:python
# End:
Look up info on "file variables" for more details. The -*- stuff is
just a convenient shorthand for a subset of what you can do with the
more verbose Local Variables syntax.
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