compiling to python byte codes
Maurice LING
mauriceling at
Thu Sep 2 01:42:17 EDT 2004
I remembered reading a MSc thesis about compiling Perl to Java bytecodes
(as in java class files). At least, it seems that someone had compiled
scheme to java class files quite successfully. I'm wondering if
something of such had been attempted in python, as in compiling X
language into .pyc. I do not understand the schematics of .pyc files but
I assume that they are the so called python bytecode files.
Or is there any documentation or books that is the python equivalent of
"Programming for the Java Virtual Machine" by Joshua Engel?
Maurice Han Tong LING, BSc(Hons)(MCB), AdvDipComp, SSN, FIFA
Doctor of Philosophy (Science) Candidate, The University of Melbourne
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