Python in a Nutshell for Python 2.4

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Sun Sep 26 16:03:12 EDT 2004

Cousin Stanley <cousinstanley at> wrote:

> > Unfortunately, with O'Reilly having rejected it, I'm not sure what other
> > publisher, if any, is enough "into" Mac _and_ Python.  So for now I'm
> > giving precedence to 2nd editions of Cookbook and Nutshell...!
> >
> Alex .... 
>   Maybe you could cut out the middle man, e.g. Cousin O'Reilly,
> mac_py  = AM_Publishing( 'Mac Python in a NutShell' )
> This exercise in  *desktop publishing*  might be worthy
> of a book in itself ....

I suspect O'Reilly Media's trademark for "in a Nutshell" in book titles
would put me in trouble.  Still, sure, I could go for a different title
and self-publish, if I disagreed with ORM's assessment of the market
chances enough to be willing to risk it.  I _am_ considering this
possibility, of course.  But it seems a bit far-fetched.


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