MAC address
abra9823 at
Mon Sep 20 07:23:15 EDT 2004
Quoting Heiko Wundram <heikowu at>:
> Am Montag, 20. September 2004 08:51 schrieb Ajay:
> > is it possible to change your MAC address from a program?
> > Can i do that using Python?
> Depends on what OS you're under... Under Linux (and I'd guess that *BSD
> works
> somewhat similar), you can change the hardware address of some network
> device
> using:
> ifconfig <device> down
> ifconfig <device> hw <hw-type> <address>
> ifconfig <device> up
> So, for example, to change my MAC to some random number (which is
> invalid,
> because it's a broadcast address):
> ifconfig eth0 down
> ifconfig eth0 hw ether fffefdfcfbfa
> ifconfig eth0 up
> Of course, you need to call all this as root.
> From Python, that would be:
> import os
> def setmac(device,mac):
> os.system("ifconfig %s down" % device)
> os.system("ifconfig %s hw ether %s" % (device,mac))
> os.system("ifconfig %s up" % device)
> Under Windows (2000, XP, NT?) there's also the possibility to change the
> of a network device, but I don't know if you can access this OS
> functionality
> from somewhere else than the dialog box which offers it (maybe you can
> change
> it somewhere in the registry, don't know).
its actually windows that i would like to find out about.
what i am trying to do is to anonymize client address by picking a random
MAC address and using that instead
> Heiko.
> --
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