MAC address
abra9823 at
Mon Sep 20 07:45:01 EDT 2004
Quoting Steve Holden <steve at>:
> Ajay wrote:
> > Quoting Heiko Wundram <heikowu at>:
> >
> >
> [...changing MAC address under Linux ...]>
> >
> > thanks
> > its actually windows that i would like to find out about.
> > what i am trying to do is to anonymize client address by picking a
> random
> > MAC address and using that instead
> >
> You do understand, I presume, that your MAC address never travels off
> your LAN anyway? When packets are routed to other networks they will be
> encapsulated by other devices, so while the IP (network-layer)
> addressing remains the same over all hops, the originating device's MAC
> address is removed the first time the packet is routed.
yup. i do understand that and its within the LAN that i would like to
anonymize the MAC address. more specifically, within a wireless LAN.
i join up a wireless LAN (that does not require you to register a MAC) and
would like to communicarte with a service on the network (which sends
broadcast beacons advertising itself every now and then, so you know its
address) anonymously.
anonymously requires that i modify my IP address and MAC address.
> regards
> Steve
> --
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