Xah Lee's Unixism

Alan Balmer albalmer at att.net
Thu Sep 2 16:22:53 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 19:57:03 +0000 (UTC), "Karl A. Krueger"
<kkrueger at example.edu> wrote:

>In comp.lang.lisp Pascal Bourguignon <spam at mouse-potato.com> wrote:
>> "John Thingstad" <john.thingstad at chello.no> writes:
>>> Note the Mac OS 10 / Darwin uses a unix kernel because of all the
>>> problems  with interoperabillity OS 9 had with talking to Windows and
>>> Unix boxes.
>> No that's not the reason. The reason is ONLY because of the lack of
>> virtual memory management (with separation of addressing spaces for
>> processes) in MacOS.
>It was my impression that the Motorola 68000 CPU, upon which the
>original Macintosh was based, did not support memory management in

That's what I remember, but wasn't there an MMU available as a
separate chip?

> At least, that's usually given as the reason that portable
>Unix systems such as NetBSD will "never" run on the earlier 68k (or,
>for that matter, 8086 or 80286) chips.

Al Balmer
Balmer Consulting
removebalmerconsultingthis at att.net

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