MAC address

Ajay abra9823 at
Tue Sep 21 00:12:14 EDT 2004

Quoting Grant Edwards <grante at>:

> On 2004-09-21, Ajay <abra9823 at> wrote:
> >> How are you going to avoid collisions?  I suppose it's a
> >> sufficiently slim probability you can just ignore it.
> >>
> >>> also, is there an alternative way to anonymize a client?
> >>
> >> Not really, but how could your MAC address be traced to you,
> >> anyway?
> >
> > i suppose i should clarify again that the question is not in
> > the context of the Internet but a wireless LAN.
> Right.
> > within a LAN, if i were to open a socket connection with a
> > server and send some data to it, the server would be able to
> > pick up my MAC and IP address.
> If the server is on the same LAN, yes.  If it's on the other
> side of a router or firewall, no. That said, once the server
> has your MAC, what's it going to do with it?  Is there some way
> to trace that MAC to your name, address, and phone number?

if you use the service say 10 times, then the server can link those 10
sessions together based on your MAC address.
and the server will be on the same LAN

> > so what i want to do is to anonymize the MAC by picking a
> > random (but valid) MAC address and using that. after that i
> > will anonymize the IP.
> Strictly speaking, the only MAC that is "valid" according to
> the IEEE spec is the one the manufacturer put into it. However,
> as long as you pick a MAC address that's not one of the special
> ones (broadcast or multicast addresses), you can probably just
> pick one at random.

by a valid MAC i meant having a legal devide manufacturer ID

> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  A can of
>                                   at               73 pigeons, some LIVE
> ammo,
>                                  and a FROZEN
> --

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