building a small calculator

Simon Brunning simon.brunning at
Wed Apr 20 08:39:51 EDT 2005

On 20 Apr 2005 05:31:15 -0700, aleksander.helgaker at
<aleksander.helgaker at> wrote:
> I get the following error message when using the command sys.exit().
> name 'sys' is not defined.

You really are new at this, aren't you? ;-) You need to import the sys
module before you use it. Put this at the top of your script:

import sys

I'd also suggest that you have a run through the tutorial -
<>. It's time well spent. If you don't get
on with that, there's another couple of tutorials available aimed
directly at those new to programming -
<> and

Lastly, although neophytes are more than welcome here, you might find
the tutor mailing list a good place to ask questions in the early days
of your Python experience. You'll find it here -

Simon B,
simon at,

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