Changing interpreter's deafult output/error streams
Michael Hudson
mwh at
Mon Aug 1 08:57:53 EDT 2005
Robert Kern <rkern at> writes:
> Michael Hudson wrote:
>> "Ira" <sheig222 at> writes:
>>>OK let me rephrase,
>>>the standard error stream (and if I'm not mistaken also the one that
>>>PyErr_Print() writes to) is the python object sys.stderr. Now say I'd go
>>>ahead and write the following in python...
>> Ah, OK, I think you're mistaken, and PyErr_Print prints to the C
>> level
>> FILE* stderr (I agree my first post was confusing on this point, sorry
>> about that...).
> No, it doesn't. It grabs the appropriate object from sys.stderr.
Ah, you're right, I somehow ended up reading PySys_WriteStderr...
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