while c = f.read(1)
Steve Holden
steve at holdenweb.com
Thu Aug 25 08:08:21 EDT 2005
Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Op 2005-08-24, Magnus Lycka schreef <lycka at carmen.se>:
>>Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>>I think he did, because both expression are not equivallent
>>>unless some implicite constraints make them so. Values where
>>>both expressions differ are:
>>> start1=67, stop1=9, start2=10, stop2=29
This is just too fatuous to ignore, sorry.
>>Ouch! That didn't occur to me. How sloppy to just assume that
>>time periods can't end before they start.
> I have no trouble that you assume a time period starts before
> it ends.
> But two pieces of code that only give the same result under
> particular assumptions are not equivallent. For all I know
> his code might work without this assumption and thus be
> usefull in circumstances where yours is not.
> Maybe someone uses a convention where time intervals that
> stop before they start can have some meaning.
> Equivallent code IMO always gives the same results, not
> only under the particular constraints you are working with.
>>I'll shut up now. You win,
>>I'm obviously the idiot here, and Python's must be
>>redesigned from ground up. Pyrdon maybe?
> If I ever design a language it'll be called: 'Queny'
...and you will regard it as perfect and be completely unable to
understand why nobody likes it.
Could we possibly reduce the number of arguments about ridiculous
postulates such as , and try to remember that most people on this list
are dealing with real life?
Magnus gave you a perfectly reasonable example of some code that could
be simplified. You say the two pieces of code aren't equivalent. While
you may be (strictly) correct, your assertion signally fails to add
enlightenment to the discussion.
I continue to look forward to the first post in which you actually
accept someone else's point of view without wriggling and squirming to
justify your increasingly tenuous attempts to justify every opinion
you've ever uttered on this group :-)
Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
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