Python built email message doesn't support OutLook Express
praba kar
prabapython at
Mon Aug 29 03:23:19 EDT 2005
Dear All,
I am working in web based email system project.
Here I try to build email message
from scratch. I used below code to build email
msg = email.MIMEBase('text','html')
msg['Return-Path'] = user+'@'+domain
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = from_name
msg['To'] = to
msg['Cc'] = cc
msg.set_payload("Body of the email messagge")
fh = os.popen('/bin/sendmail %s'% (eachid),'w')
This code will build plain email message properly.
But after building the message. If a email user
download this mail through out look express then
this email message will display without any alignment.
If a user type 3 paragraph message
outlook express display as a single line. What
could be problem?. Kindly let me know ASAP
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