Tkinter and gnuplot module

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu Aug 18 10:27:41 EDT 2005

On 2005-08-18, Titi Anggono <tiang_ono at> wrote:

> 1. Can we use Tkinter for web application such as Java?

No. You can't use Tkinter in a Java app, since Tkinter is a
Python module (unless it works with Jython).

> 2. I use module for interfacing with gnuplot in
> linux. Can we make the plot result shown in web ? I tried
> using cgi, and it didn't work.

Sure.  Just plot to a .png file and serve up the .png file.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Now KEN is having
                                  at               a MENTAL CRISIS beacuse
                                 his "R.V." PAYMENTS are

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