Should I move to Amsterdam?
Adriaan Renting
renting at
Thu Aug 25 03:04:42 EDT 2005
Thank you for your praise of my little country, but depending on your definition, the Netherlands might not be as civil as you assume. A lot of my foreign collegues commplain about how rude the dutch can be.
Countries like sweden or japan seem to have much better manners.
As to which countries have been civilized for the longest time, the Netherlands wouldn't rank very high there either, China, Greece or Egypt have been civilized much longer.
I do think however that New york should have it's name reverted to New Amsterdam ;-)
>>>Tom Anderson <twic at> 08/24/05 6:49 pm >>>
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Armin Steinhoff wrote:
>Adriaan Renting wrote:
>>>>>"Wade" <wade at> 08/24/05 2:31 pm >>>
>> Nice little series by
>>Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about emigration. Somewhere,
>>anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam? I've never been to the Netherlands
>>myself, but it sounds very civilized.
>What a joke ... Amsterdam is 'civilized' since several hundreds of years
Indeed. Perhaps we should rename it Old New York to reinforce the point :).
But yes, the Netherlands is a highly civilised country - up there with
Denmark and Canada, and above the UK, France or Germany, IMNERHO. I'm not
going to bother comparing it to the US!
This should be on ox.boring, shouldn't it?
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