Proposed PEP: New style indexing, was Re: Bug in slice type

Raymond Hettinger python at
Fri Aug 26 18:39:10 EDT 2005

Bryan Olson wrote:
> The conclusion is inescapable: Python's handling of negative
> subscripts is a wart. Indexing from the high end is too useful
> to give up, but it should be specified by the slicing/indexing
> operation, not by the value of the index expression.
> PPEP (Proposed Python Enhancement Proposal): New-Style Indexing
> Instead of:
>      sequence[start : stop : step]
> new-style slicing uses the syntax:
>      sequence[start ; stop ; step]


The pythonic way to handle negative slicing is to use reversed().  The
principle is that the mind more easily handles this in two steps,
specifying the range a forward direction, and then reversing it.

IOW, it is easier to identify the included elements and see the
direction of:

     reversed(xrange(1, 20, 2))

than it is for:

     xrange(19, -1, -2)

See PEP 322 for discussion and examples:


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