where does __class__ come from?

Adriaan Renting renting at astron.nl
Wed Aug 24 02:46:53 EDT 2005

You might find the chapter 3.3 (in my python 2.3.4, it's "Special Method names") in the reference manual useful, it is the only place I have found sofar that describes most of these special methods. It does however not contain __class__. I don't know where in the reference manual to find it's description, probaly in some "Special attribute names" chapter I can't find.
>>>"Diez B. Roggisch" <deets at nospam.web.de> 08/23/05 11:26 pm >>> 
>Where does __class__ come from, what does it mean and what else is 
>being hidden? 
>I am used to using dir(...) to figure out what I can play with. 
>Clearly that does not always work... :-( 
Your question has benn answered - let me just add this from the dir()-docs: 
Note: Because dir() is supplied primarily as a convenience  for use at 
an interactive prompt,  it tries to supply an interesting set of names 
more than it tries to  supply a rigorously or consistently defined set 
of names,  and its detailed behavior may change across releases. 

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