Python and the web

Terry Hancock hancock at
Mon Aug 22 18:00:10 EDT 2005

On Monday 22 August 2005 03:51 pm, Joe T. wrote:
> 1. Is python something that you would recommend using for server side web
> programming?  Something like C# or Java?  If so, are there any resources
> that you could point me to that would help me with server side python
> programming for dynamic html data?  Most of the tutorials that I see deal
> with the Shell but I'd like to know more about using Python for database
> querying and printing database data on an html page as I would with .net's
> C# or Java.

Yes. If you're into killer apps, try out Zope.  But it does have a learning curve.
There are probably a dozen or so alternatives that are all "smaller and quicker
to learn".

> 2. I know there's a Jpython but what use would I get from using Python with
> Java?  If I'm already familiar with Java programming why would I want to use
> Python with Java?

It's called "Jython" actually, and this is a FAQ at which
you should visit.  Jython also has its own mailing list, which is why you don't
see so much talk about it in this newsgroup (though people do mention it now
and again -- many questions are the same in any Python implementation).

In brief, however, you'd use Python with Java for the same reason so many
people with C background use Python instead of programming in C.

Or: "You *can* in principle clean a washroom with a toothbrush,
but why would you want to?"

Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks

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