The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python
Chris Smith
smitty_one_each at
Tue Aug 23 19:03:04 EDT 2005
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin <816168 at> writes:
Kevin> I have been using java (jsp/servlets), vb/asp and perl for
Kevin> a few years. Almost all my projects are web site
Kevin> development related, and many of my clients' web sites are
Kevin> hosted on those shared web hosting services.
Kevin> The problem is that it's difficult to find hosting services
Kevin> with Python installed and supported. And most hosting
Kevin> companies are reluctant to install it for you because they
Kevin> don't want to do the extra work(they would always say to
Kevin> me, why don't you use php or java or asp or per?). I have
Kevin> searched and found some companies that support Python. But
Kevin> still there are far few choices than other options.
Kevin> I am sure this issue has already been raised a billion
Kevin> times. I just feel very frustrated on this. I want to learn
Kevin> and use Python in my web projects.
Kevin> One day in last December I decided to learn Python, because
Kevin> of Bruce Eckel's recommendation on his web site (I started
Kevin> java with his book). After writing a few scripts (each
Kevin> with a hundred lines or less), I really liked Python, even
Kevin> though at first to me, it has a very different style and
Kevin> mindset from my accustomed java approach. I enjoyed the
Kevin> experience and was ready to delve into the OO and other
Kevin> aspect of Python.
Kevin> But because of the hosting issue, I stopped and since then
Kevin> have spent more time on php, and it seems that I would soon
Kevin> become a full time PHPer now.
Kevin> I really wish Python could be more widely available on web
Kevin> server machines. This is just my own experience and I would
Kevin> like to hear your comments.
Not to be a shill, but I'd be interested in testimonials on
I wonder if virtualization is the next killer app.
Certainly blows the WTF my ISP? question away...
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