Using XML w/ Python...
Rick Wotnaz
desparn at
Mon Dec 12 12:58:02 EST 2005
uche.ogbuji at wrote in
news:1134407093.043211.114640 at
> """
> Not wanting to hijack this thread, but it got me interested in
> installing amara. I downloaded
> Amara-allinone-1.0.win32-py2.4.exe and ran it. It professed that
> the installation directory was to be
> D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ ... but it placed FT and amara in
> D: \Python24\Python24\Lib\site-packages . Possibly the installer
> is part of the problem here?
> """
> That's really good to know. Someone else builds the Windows
> installer package for Amara (I'm a near Windows illiterate), but
> I definitely want to help be sure the installer works properly.
> In fact, your message rings a bell that this specifically came
> up before:
> 0.html
> I'll have to ask some of the Windows gurus on the 4Suite list
> whether they know why this might be. Do you mind if I cc you on
> those messages, so that you can perhaps try out any solutions we
> come up with?
> Thanks.
I'd be delighted to run them. Bring 'em on!
If this is useful information: the opening screen of the installer
correctly shows D:\Python24\ as my Python directory, and correctly
shows (on my computer):
D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ as the Installation Directory. The
file names as it installs are of the form
"Python24\Lib\site-packages\...", which to me hints that it takes
that generated name and appends it to the Python directory to
produce the actual file path it then uses.
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