OO in Python? ^^

Donn Cave donn at drizzle.com
Tue Dec 13 01:13:10 EST 2005

Quoth Tom Anderson <twic at urchin.earth.li>:
| While we're on the subject of Haskell - if you think python's 
| syntactically significant whitespace is icky, have a look at Haskell's 
| 'layout' - i almost wet myself in terror when i saw that!

That's funny.  I don't think I ever bothered to acquaint myself with
the rules of the notation, so once in a while my intuition fails me
and I have to re-indent, but it's rare.  Off the top of my head, it
seems to me Haskell code commonly has a lot more structure than Python
code - hierarchically structured expressions instead of series of
statements - so maybe it's not surprising if the layout notation
can be more complex.

	Donn Cave, donn at drizzle.com

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