Recommend an E-book Meeting the Following Criteria (Newbie, Long)
Veli-Pekka Tätilä
vtatila at
Thu Dec 15 11:52:46 EST 2005
andypurshottam at wrote:
> I reccomend David Mertz's text:
> Despite name its more that just text processing <snip>
I'll give that one a try, thanks. I guess it might be just the book as far
as the text processing that I've used to doing in Perl goes. I'm also
interested in parsing in general so again the material might be well
applicable outside Python, too. Before you know the very basics, even
parsing ordinary arithmetic seems like black magic. I've read bits and
pieces about recursive descent parsers and hopefully Python does have some
modules for rolling your own.
With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä (vtatila at
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