python coding contest

Tim Peters tim.peters at
Sun Dec 25 22:28:29 EST 2005

Over at

the task is to come up with the shortest program that solves a
different problem.  There's a twist in this one:

    Score equals to size of source code of your program except symbols with
    ASCII code <= 32.

So blanks, newlines and tabs aren't counted at all.  However, no
"control characters" of any kind are counted, and I found a convoluted
way to transform any Perl program so that only 7 "readable" characters
remain.  That's currently the shortest solution known (given the
stated metric -- my Perl source is actually over 400 bytes!  all but 7
of them have ord < 33, though).

There's probably still room for improvement in the "shortest" Python
program known for this task.  No deadlines, no prizes, and you don't
get to see anyone else's code, but as a form of programming
masturbation it's great ;-)

is another program-size task, but this one counts all bytes.

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