Problem with exec
Antoon Pardon
apardon at
Fri Dec 16 10:16:35 EST 2005
Op 2005-12-16, Larry Bates schreef <larry.bates at>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> I have the following little piece of code:
>> class Cfg:pass
>> #config = Cfg()
>> def assign():
>> setattr(config, 'Start' , [13, 26, 29, 34])
>> def foo():
>> config = Cfg()
>> dct = {'config':config, 'assign':assign}
>> exec "assign()" in dct
>> print config.Start
>> foo()
> [ ... ]
> You should probably post what you are trying to do. Maybe we
> can make a suggestion about the best approach.
I'm using PLY. The assign function is a dumbded down version
of a production function that will be called during the parsing
of a config file. Each time a line of the form:
var = val
is encounterd I do setattr(config, 'var', val)
The problem is that doing it this way means config needs to be global.
which I'm trying to avoid, in case some leftovers may cause trouble
when I read in a new configuration or should I ever have different
threads parsing files at the same time.
The other way would be passing the 'config' variable around in the
productions, but this would complicate things.
So what I am trying to do was provide a global namespace to the call
to fool a function using a global name into using a provided local name.
Antoon Pardon
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