urllib on windows machines
william at opensource4you.com
william at opensource4you.com
Sat Dec 3 15:17:41 EST 2005
Thanks Scott
> This part I can help you with:
> >>> import platform
> >>> platform.platform()
> 'Windows-2000-5.0.2195-SP4' # in my case
> >>> platform.architecture()
> ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
> >>> platform.python_version()
> '2.4.2'
> >>> platform.python_compiler()
> 'MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)'
> >>> platform.python_build()
> (67, 'Sep 28 2005 12:41:11')
>>> import platform
>>> platform.platform()
>>> platform.architecture()
('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
>>> platform.python_version()
>>> platform.python_compiler()
'MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)'
>>> platform.python_build()
(67, 'Sep 28 2005 12:41:11')
> So off-hand, I'd suspect some firewall thingie is getting in the way.
> Can you "bless" \Python24\python.exe and \Python24\pythonw.exe as
> applications allowed to do net traffic?
That's the problem: "Blocked outgoing TCP - Source Local: (1898)
Destination: http(80)"
But why the "telnet www.google.com 80" is wroking ?
Why Firefox is running ?
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