Putting in an html table
bruno at modulix
onurb at xiludom.gro
Mon Dec 5 04:18:11 EST 2005
Little wrote:
> Could someone start me on putting in a table into this code, and some
> HTML tags. I would to make the table below the map and have a header at
> the top. Thanks for the help.
> """ Publisher example """
> def query(req, building=""):
> # NOTE: best way to understand this is to see the output,
> # that is, to "view source" on the generated web page
> # read common header for any google mapping
> f = file('/home/ta/public_html/maplish/googleHead.html','r')
Never hardcode a path.
> t = f.read()
> f.close()
> # define the two buildings we know (because no SQL is done here)
> buildings = [ ("cb", "Cambus Office", "-91.552977", "41.659655")
> ]
> buildings += [ ("va/hardlib", "VA/Hardin Library", "-91.549501",
> "41.662348") ]
> buildings += [ ("hancher", "Hancher Auditorium", "-91.538214",
> "41.669529") ]
> buildings += [ ("currier", "Currier Hall", "-91.534996",
> "41.666163") ]
> buildings += [ ("schaeffer", "Schaeffer Hall", "-91.535296",
> "41.660969") ]
> buildings += [ ("shospital", "South Hospital", "-91.548900",
> "41.658885") ]
# avoid useless operations
buildings = [
("cb", "Cambus Office", "-91.552977", "41.659655"),
("va/hardlib", "VA/Hardin Library", "-91.549501", "41.662348"),
("hancher", "Hancher Auditorium", "-91.538214", "41.669529"),
("currier", "Currier Hall", "-91.534996", "41.666163") ,
("schaeffer", "Schaeffer Hall", "-91.535296", "41.660969"),
("shospital", "South Hospital", "-91.548900", "41.658885")
> str = '' # in case no buildings match, use empty string
# don't use 'str' as an identifier, it will shadow the builtin str type.
> for x in buildings:
> a,b,c,d = x # isolate all the tuple components into a,b,c,d
> if building.lower() == a:
If what you want is to find the building matching the one given as
argument, you should build a dict, not a list of tuples.
buildings = {
"cb" : ("Cambus Office", "-91.552977", "41.659655"),
"va/hardlib" : ("VA/Hardin Library", "-91.549501", "41.662348"),
"hancher" : ("Hancher Auditorium", "-91.538214", "41.669529"),
"currier" : ("Currier Hall", "-91.534996", "41.666163") ,
"schaeffer" : ("Schaeffer Hall", "-91.535296", "41.660969"),
"shospital" : ("South Hospital", "-91.548900", "41.658885")
Now you don't need to loop and compare, a simple :
should be enough
(NB : Anyway, this dict should not be hardcoded. Put this in a separate
conf file, in a db, or whatever, but keep it out of the code.)
> # construct javascript, using Python %s to substitute names
> and data
> # see http://docs.python.org/lib/typesseq-strings.html if
> needed
> str = 'var bldg%s = new GPoint( %s, %s);\n' % (a, c, d)
> str += 'var mrk%s = new GMarker( bldg%s );\n' % (a, a)
> str += 'var htm%s = "%s";\n' % (a, b)
> str += 'GEvent.addListener(mrk%s,"click",function() {' % a
> str += 'mrk%s.openInfoWindowHtml(htm%s); });\n' % (a, a)
> str += 'map.addOverlay(mrk%s);\n' % a
string concatenation is not an efficient idiom. In a loop, the common
idiom is to use a list and join it, but here I guess a triple quoted
string and simple templating trick would be better.
> # output markers, if any
> t = t + str
> # then add trailing html to finish page
> trail = "//]]> </script> </body> </html>"
> t = t + trail
> return t
This is definitevely not how I would do HTML/js in Python. There are a
lot of templating / HTML generation tools available, that allow to
cleanly separate logic from presentation.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"
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